Spring skin care

Philosopher Stephen Neale advocates that genres are instances of repetition and difference, or in this case ‘difference in repetition’ aka recognition of familiar elements, with a slight change. In this case the genre represents seasons, the familiarity being styling habits and the difference being improvements. This applies not only to our wardrobes but also to our make up and beauty routines too.

I mean It’s always healthy to switch up a routine right? So it’s time to come out of hibernation and wake up refreshed in time for spring, the days are getting longer, the weather warmer. Out with the old and in with the new, the winter season coming to a quick decline. Now is the perfect time to update your make up bag with fresh and more vibrant colours.

Revising the current events such as LFW, catwalks and other predictions for the Spring season, the soft and dewy natural look is most definitely in.
The washed out and pale skinned, Twilight Vamp-esque look Is not as hot anymore.

Ditch the heavy/full coverage foundations. It’s spring time, what do you still need it for, stop hiding your beautiful skin and let it breathe a little.
Rihanna is the perfect example of soft, luminous almost-dewy like skin. Honestly who doesn’t feel more alive with a bit of a golden glow? Tinted moisturisers and primers would help achieve the gorgeous subtly sun-kissed look, why not fake it until you have it?

Transforming dull and dry skin into luminous soft skin. Let’s face it, the cold and brittle weather hasn’t been good to us the past couple of months, transitioning into the spring requires a slight change in the skin care products. Ideally one would like to book a salicylic acid treatment (which one day I would love to try) … BUT I know a great and affordable substitute.


The Superdrugs facial loofahs paired with your favourite facial cleanser are absolutely amazing at bringing back radiance, by sweeping away the dead skin cells. The loofahs are an absolute STEAL at 1.99 for a pack of three, dampen the loofah in warm water and apply your chosen cleanser to a wet face. Lightly rub the loofah over your face in a upwards circular motion, repeat daily to improve skin texture and uneven pigmentation.

One thought on “Spring skin care

  1. Ohhh I was looking into salicylic acid home treatments. I have really sensitive skin, so I’m scared to try anything. I use facial brushes from the body shop, they are similar to those cleanser system brushes. I need to switch my skin regime and add the loofah’s into my routine. Thanks for the little nudge!

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